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This version of the predict() function make predictions to a set of GRasters from a model object.

The model must be either a linear model, which is of class lm and typically created using the stats::lm() function or a generalized linear model (GLM), which is class glm and typically created using stats::glm(). Other packages can also create lm or glm objects, but they may not work in this function. For example, generalized additive models, which can be created using the gam() function in the mgcv package, inherit the glm class, but cannot be used in this function, but ones created with the speedglm package can.

This predict() function can handle:

  • Linear predictors and intercepts like y ~ 1 + x;

  • Quadratic terms like y ~ x^2 (or, in R formular notation, y ~ I(x^2));

  • Two-way interaction terms between scalars like y ~ x1:x2 and y ~ x1 * x2;

  • Categorical predictors (i.e., categorical rasters);

  • Two-way interactions between a categorical predictor and a scalar predictor; and

  • Two-way interactions between categorical predictors.


# S4 method for class 'GRaster'
predict(object, model, type = "response")



A GRaster with one or more layers.


An lm or glm model object.


Character: Type of prediction to make. This can be either link (default; predictions are made on the scale of the link function) or response (predictions are made on the scale of the response variable). This function can only make predictions on the scale of the response for the identity, logit, log, or cloglog (complementary log-log) link functions.


A GRaster.


if (grassStarted()) {

# Setup

### This example creates a simple model of Dypsis distribution using
# elevation, distance to forest, land cover class, and nearness to rivers.

# Elevation raster, forest cover in year 2000, land cover class, and
# points where Dypsis plants have been collected
madElev <- fastData("madElev")
madForest2000 <- fastData("madForest2000")
madCover <- fastData("madCover")
madRivers <- fastData("madRivers")
madDypsis <- fastData("madDypsis")

# Convert SpatRasters to GRasters and sf vector to GVector:
elev <- fast(madElev)
forest <- fast(madForest2000)
cover <- fast(madCover)
rivers <- fast(madRivers)
dypsis <- fast(madDypsis)

# Distance to forest
distToForest <- distance(forest, unit = "m")
distToForest <- log1p(distToForest) # log(x + 1) of distance
names(distToForest) <- "distToForest"

# "Stack" elevation and forest cover
continuous <- c(elev, distToForest)

# Scale continuous predictors to mean of 0 and sd of 1
continuousScaled <- scale(continuous)
names(continuousScaled) <- c("elevation", "distToForest")

# Project land cover raster
coverProj <- project(cover, continuousScaled)

# Near a river?
riverBuffer <- buffer(rivers, 5000)
nearRiver <- rasterize(riverBuffer, elev, background = 0)
names(nearRiver) <- "nearRiver"
levels(nearRiver) <- data.frame(value = 0:1, label = c("far", "near"))

# Combine continuous/categorical data
covariateRasters <- c(continuousScaled, coverProj, nearRiver)

# Extract environmental values at Dypsis locations:
presEnv <- extract(covariateRasters, dypsis, cats = TRUE)
presEnv$presBg <- 1

# Extract elevation and forest cover at background 2000 sites:
bgEnv <- spatSample(covariateRasters, size = 3000, values = TRUE, cats = TRUE)
bgEnv <- bgEnv[stats::complete.cases(bgEnv), ]
bgEnv <- bgEnv[1:2000, ]
bgEnv$presBg <- 0

# Combine presence and background data:
env <- rbind(presEnv, bgEnv)

# Calibrate model:
form <- presBg ~ elevation + distToForest +
I(distToForest^2) + elevation * distToForest +
madCover + nearRiver

model <- stats::glm(form, data = env, family = stats::binomial)

# Make predictions and map:
prediction <- predict(covariateRasters, model, type = "response")

# Not a great model!
plot(dypsis, pch = 1, add = TRUE)
