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fasterRaster (2024-09-17)

o Added pkgdown site!!! (Experimental…)

Big fixes

o bioclims() calculates BIO07 even when BIO05 and BIO06 were not explicitly called.
o faster() accepts a names list as an argument.

fasterRaster (2024-09-15)

Main task of this pre-release

o Fix all issues arising from check().

fasterRaster (2024-09-07)

Main task of this pre-release

o Examples in all help files have been checked and, if needed, either they or the calling function(s) have been fixed. See “Bug fixes and speed-ups” below.

New functions and functionality

o dim3d() returns the “region’s” dimensions when called with no arguments.
o global() calculates quantiles much faster (minutes vs. weeks) for very large rasters.
o layerCor() by default calculates inter-GRaster correlation.
o reorient() converts facing angles between north and east orientations.
o terrain() can return slope and aspect in radians, and allows a custom value to be set for undefined aspects.
o Default value of memory in faster() is now 2 GB.

Potentially co-breaking changes

o global() argument prob changed to probs because it can accommodate more than one value.
o horizonHeight() function now uses argument step instead of directions. o Removed sd() and sdpop() and replaced with stdev().

Bug fixes and speed-ups

o atan2() works!
o extract() extracts!
o fast() can convert a SpatRaster with one or more layers that are a subset of a larger SpatRaster into a GRaster without error.
o fractalRast() is faster.
o freq() work when the input is a categorical GRaster.
p interpSplines() bug causing lambda values to not be returned fixed.
o horizonHeight() returns GRasters that can be used directly in sun().
o plotRGB() is no longer stuck in an infinite loop an infinite loop an infinite loop an infinite loop an infinite loop an infinite loop an infinite loop.
o rSpatialDepRast() is faster.
o replace_double_square_brackets works!
o simplifyGeom() works when using the “dp” or “dpr” methods.
o spatSample() works when byStratum = TRUE.
o subset_dollar bug fixed related to rationalization of dim() and res().
o subset_double_square_brackets works for i = missing and j = not missing.
o subset_single_bracket works for x[i, j] when neither i nor j are missing.
o sun() works with GRasters from horizonHeight().
o terrain() works when all methods (v = '*') are called.
o update() retains a GVector’s data table.
o vegIndex() fixed bug parsing index.
o zonal() works when zones are set by a GVector.

fasterRaster (2024-08-03)

Potentially co-breaking changes

o Renamed terrainRuggednessIndex() to ruggedness().
o Renamed topoWetnessIndex() to wetness().

New functions and functionality

o [ (subset_single_bracket) can use a GRaster inside the [] to specify what cells in a GRaster to subset.
o [<- (replace_single_square_bracket) can use a GRaster inside the [] to specify what cells in a GRaster are re-assigned.
o bioclims() is a new function that calculates the “classic” and “extended” set of BIOCLIM rasters. It works on GRasters and SpatRasters!
o faster() now has option clean, which enables automatic deletion of temporary files created by functions.
o mow() is a new function that removes unused raster and vector files from the GRASS cache.
o project() now has a verbose argument for displaying progress.
o sineRast() now accepts arguments for amplitude.
o tiles() is a new function that creates spatially exclusive subsets from GRasters.

Issues and bug fixes

o spatSample() now works when values = TRUE.

fasterRaster (2024-07-05)

+: Denotes potentially code-breaking changes

New functions and functionality

o sineRast(): Creates sine wave rasters.

Changes in functionality

o distance() now works for calculation of distances between two GVectors or a GVector and itself.
o + extract() and + spatSample(): Changed default value of cats argument to TRUE.
o fragmentation() is much faster for SpatRasters and for both SpatRasters and GRasters, can display progress.
o + plot() is faster for very large rasters. Replaced argument maxcell with simplify.
o show() displays long raster names properly.

fasterRaster (2024-06-08)

Bug fixes

o Fixed bug causing incorrect answer.

fasterRaster (2024-06-07)

+: Denotes potentially code-breaking changes

New functions and functionality

o + spatSample(): Much faster (though not actually fast…) for large samples taken from GRasters. Removed argument seed for GRaster signature, and added argument verbose to give you something to watch.
o freq(): Added `function-specific example.

Bug fixes

o global(): Fixed bug arising when called by other functions and main argument was a sources() name.

fasterRaster (2024-06-02)

+: Denotes potentially code-breaking changes

New functions and functionality

o rast(): Attaches the GRaster’s levels table to the SpatRaster output.
o + rasterize(): Rewritten to perform (nearly) the same as terra::rasterize().
o predict(): Can accommodate models with two-way interactions between categorical rasters and between a categorical predictor and a scalar.
o scalepop(): Scales GRasters by population standard deviation.
o Stops with a somewhat informative error when a GRaster fails to be created (in hidden function .makeGRaster())


o writeRaster(): Correctly assign datatype to CELL rasters.
O + cor() and cov() removed and incorporated into layerCor()

Bug fixes

o activeCat() and activeCats(): Fixed bug introduced by previous fix.
o activeCat(): Correct output when names = TRUE.
o expanse(): Expanded list of units; correct assignation of units to GRASS unit format.
o extract(): Extracting from a GRaster to a lines or polygons GVector works.
o fast(): Fixed bug arising when reading vector saved by writeRaster().
o + global(): Removed functions "countNA" and "countNonNA" from global() since GRASS module can be mistaken.
o nacell() and nonnacell(): Correct (but slow~~~) reporting of NA and non-NA cells (workaround of error in GRASS’s module).

fasterRaster (2024-05-27)


o Added streams() for calculating location of stream channels from a DEM.
o Added terrainRuggednessIndex() for calculating the terrain ruggedness index.
o unscale() can skip unscaling of rasters by supplying NA in the center and/or scale vectors.
o writeRaster() will now automatically choose the “least-lossy” datatype for a stack of rasters.
o More robust checking of whether a vector is topologically valid or not when using fast(), and added option to aggregate or disaggregate polygons to overcome the issue.

Bug fixes

o crop() correctly sets westernmost coordinate (was inappropriately too far west, in some cases).
o extend() works when the “extension” factor is a integer.
o GRasters can now be multiplied by, divide by, added to, or subtracted from numerics in scientific notation format.
o hist() now works with factor GRasters.
o plot() relies on writeRaster() for datatype (which is better).
o writeRaster() saves all-NA rows and columns.

fasterRaster (2024-05-21)

Bug fixes

o [ now works for large GVectors (i.e., >1M geometries).
o Fixed behind-scenes issue arising when a CRS string couldn’t be parsed to a shorter version (.locationCreate() and related).

fasterRaster (2024-05-17)


o Added function flow() for calculating flow of water across a landscape.
o Added function flowPath() for calculating flow of water from specific points on a landscape.
o freq() inserts category labels into results for for categorical GRasters.
o Added function geomorphons() for identifying geomorphological features.
o Added function maskNA() for converting non-NA cells or NA cells to a user-defined value.
o plot() displays of levels of categorical rasters.
o Can save layer-by-layer with writeRaster().
o Added ability to create points GVectors from numeric, matrices, or data frames using fast().
o Improved auto-assessment of raster datatype in writeRaster().
o Updated README for!

Bug fixes

o [ works consistently for GVectors!!!!!
o Hidden function .makeGVector() now catches cases with zero extent for polygons.
o Fixed installation issue related to activeCat()<- and addCats()<- (thank you, @kbondo1!)
o Fixed bug in arithmetic when determining data type of an input raster.
o crds() works when the GRASS vector has an attribute table.
o extract() extracts values from GVectors for large numbers of points without crashing.
o plot() works! (Previous issue arose from changing output of writeRaster() to GRaster).
o rast() correctly returns a SpatRaster.
o vect() correctly returns a SpatVector.


o Removed rasterPrecision option and now use internal function .getPrec() to ascertain the proper precision of rasters.
o Option to fail in creation of GRaster or a polygons GVector if it would have a zero extent.


o complete.cases() and missing.cases() return logical vectors for vectors with no data tables (was integer vectors).

fasterRaster (2024-05-01)


o Added function classify().
o Added function subst().
o Added function combineLevels().
o Added hidden function .plot().
o For functions and cases where it is appropriate, the “levels” table of an input GRaster is passed to the output.
o fragmentation() works for windows sizes > 3 and for GRasters.

Bug fixes

o writeRaster() correctly assigns levels to categorical rasters with >1 layer.
o Fixed bug in [[<- that passed incorrect dimensions (then failed).


o [ selects geometries from a GRaster, overcoming mis-selection by GRASS
o Removed datatype() method for signature SpatRaster

fasterRaster (2024-03-15)


rbind() and cbind() work for GVectors.

Bug fixes

o Fix bug setting extent for new raster in crop()

fasterRaster (2024-03-15)

Alpha release of new, intuitive fasterRaster emulating and interoperable with terra!!!

Breaking changes

Nearly nothing is the same in the new version of fasterRaster compared to version 0.7 and lower. All of the functions in previous versions have been removed.

New features

fasterRaster is now compatible with terra and sf and shares functions with the same names that do (almost always) the same things (esp. with terra, less so with sf).

fasterRaster 0.7.1 (2022-08-05a)

  • Changed uses of class() t* inherits()… fixes bug in fasterFocal() (and elsewhere?)

fasterRaster 0.7.0 (2022-06-07)

  • fasterRaster can now use objects from terra and sf packages! Thanks for the suggestion, Miika!

fasterRaster 0.6.6 (2021-11-30)

  • Fixed bug in fasterHorizon(). Thanks, Forest!

fasterRaster 0.6.5 (2021-10-13)

  • Fixed bug in fasterTerrain(). Thanks, ankitsagar1!

fasterRaster 0.6.4 (2021-06-04)

  • Added path t* GRASS directory for Mac in examples

fasterRaster 0.6.3 (2021-03-17)

  • Updated documentation of example data sets

fasterRaster 0.6.2 (2021-01-08)

  • Fix bug with workers not stopping when using fasterFocal() on a Mac

fasterRaster 0.6.0 (2020-09-04)

  • Add generic function faster() that call most GRASS modules easily
  • Add fasterContour(): Contours from rasters
  • Add fasterConvertDegree(): Convert degrees
  • Add fasterMapcalc(): Raster calculation
  • Add fasterSun(): Solar irradiation and radiation
  • Add fasterSurfFractal(): Fractal raster
  • Add fasterTopoidx(): Topographic wetness index
  • Revealed initGrass(): Now you can use it, too!
  • User can provide names of objects created by GRASS in most functions
  • Update PROJ4 strings in data objects
  • Update help a lot

fasterRaster 0.5.1 (2020-09-02)

  • Add fasterContour()

fasterRaster 0.5.0 (2020-09-01)

  • Updated for GRASS 7.8.

fasterRaster 0.4.x (before 2020-09)

  • Worked for Open Source Geospatial (OSGeo) GRASS 7.4