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This function replaces one or more user-specified values in a raster with other values. See classify() for replacing ranges of values.


# S4 method for class 'GRaster'
subst(x, from, to, others = NULL, warn = TRUE)



A GRaster.

from, to

Vectors of numeric or character values. The value(s) in from will be replaced with the value(s) in to. They must be the same length, or, if you supply a single value for to, then all values in from will be converted to the same value of to. Numeric/integer or character vectors can be used:

  • from and to are numeric or integer vectors: Values in from will be replaced by their corresponding value in to.

  • from and to are character vectors: You can use a character vector for from and to. In this case, the input raster must be a factor (categorical) raster or an integer raster. If from is a character vector, these levels(categories) will be replaced by the levels in to. This can add levels to a GRaster to has labels that do not match any existing labels in from.

  • from is a character vector and to is an integer vector: Cells in x that correspond to the given label will have their values replaced by the corresponding value in to, and be matched the the corresponding label. If no label corresponds to the new value, a new level will be created. The input must be a categorical raster.

  • from is an integer vector and to is a character vector: Cells in x that have a value in from will be replaced by values that match the labels in to. If the input raster does not have a value that corresponds to the given label in y, then a new value will be created.


NULL (default), NA, numeric, or a character:

  • NULL (default): Values that do not appear in from will be unchanged.

  • NA: Values that do not appear in from will be set to NA.

  • Character: Cells in x that do not appear in to will be assigned to this level. In this case, x must be a categorical (factor) raster.


Logical: If TRUE (default), display a warning when new levels are created.


A GRaster.


if (grassStarted()) {

# Setup

# Example data
madElev <- fastData("madElev")
madCover <- fastData("madCover")

### Substitution within an integer/numeric raster

# Convert SpatRaster to GRaster
elev <- fast(madElev)

# Simple substitution of one value, keeping all other values
newElev <- elev
newElev[newElev == 100] <- -100
newElev[newElev > 500] <- 500

# Simple substitution of one value, keeping all other values
substituted <- subst(elev, from = 300, to = -300)
substituteds <- c(elev, substituted)
names(substituteds) <- c("original", "substituted")

# Simple substitution of three values, keeping all other values
substituted <- subst(elev, from = c(299, 300, 301), to = c(-699, -600, -601))
substituteds <- c(elev, substituted)
names(substituteds) <- c("original", "substituted")

# Simple substitution of three values to one other value, retaining remainder
substituted <- subst(elev, from = c(299, 300, 301), to = -1000)
substituteds <- c(elev, substituted)
names(substituteds) <- c("original", "substituted")

# Simple substitution of one value, setting all other values to 100
substituted <- subst(elev, from = 300, to = -300, others = 100)
substituteds <- c(elev, substituted)
names(substituteds) <- c("original", "substituted")

### Substitution within a factor/categorical raster

# Convert a SpatRaster to a GRaster:
cover <- fast(madCover)

cover <- droplevels(cover) # remove unused levels
levels(cover) # levels of "cover"

# Substitute using level name, replace with EXISTING level label
from <- "Mosaic cropland/vegetation"
to <- "Mosaic crops"
categ <- subst(cover, from = from, to = to)
freq(cover) # original frequencies of each land cover class
freq(categ) # note change in frequency of "from" and "to" categories
plot(c(cover, categ))

# Substitute using level name, replace with NEW level label
from <- c("Mosaic crops", "Mosaic cropland/vegetation")
to <- c("Mixed cropland")
categ <- subst(cover, from = from, to = to)
freq(cover) # original frequencies of each land cover class
freq(categ) # note change in frequency of "from" and "to" categories
plot(c(cover, categ))

# Substitute using level name, replace with NEW level label
from <- c("Mosaic crops", "Mosaic cropland/vegetation")
to <- c("Mixed cropland", "Mixed cropland/vegetation")
categ <- subst(cover, from = from, to = to)
freq(cover) # original frequencies of each land cover class
freq(categ) # note change in frequency of "from" and "to" categories
plot(c(cover, categ))

# Substitute using level name, replace with VALUE of an existing label
from <- c("Mosaic crops", "Mosaic cropland/vegetation")
to <- 120
categ <- subst(cover, from = from, to = to)
freq(cover) # original frequencies of each land cover class
freq(categ) # note change in frequency of "from" and "to" categories
plot(c(cover, categ))

# Substitute using level name, replace with new level name, replace all others
from <- c("Mosaic crops", "Mosaic cropland/vegetation")
to <- "Crops"
categ <- subst(cover, from = from, to = to, others = "Other")
freq(cover) # original frequencies of each land cover class
freq(categ) # note change in frequency of "from" and "to" categories
plot(c(cover, categ))
