This function calculates geographic statistics for each set of cells in an integer
or factor
. Statistics include:
Perimeter length
"Compact square" statistic: \(4 \sqrt(area) / perimeter)\)
"Compact circle" statistic: \(4 * P / ( 2 \sqrt(\pi * A))\) where P is the perimeter length and A the area.
fractal dimension: \(2 ( log(P) / log(A + 0.001))\) where P is perimeter length and A is area.
The average x- and y-coordinates of each zone.
A list of data.frame
s or a data.table
s, one per layer in x
. Only layers that are integers or factors have their geographies calculated. Other layers have NULL
tables returned.
if (grassStarted()) {
# Setup
# Example data: Elevation and land cover
madElev <- fastData("madElev")
madForest2000 <- fastData("madForest2000")
madCover <- fastData("madCover")
# Convert to GRasters:
elev <- fast(madElev)
forest2000 <- fast(madForest2000)
cover <- fast(madCover)
# Rename
names(elev) <- "elev"
names(forest2000) <- "forest"
# Geometric statistics for an integer raster zoned by elevation:
fun <-
"= if (elev <400 & forest == 1, 0, if (elev >=400 & forest == 1, 1, null()))"
forestByElev <- app(c(elev, forest2000), fun = fun)
plot(forestByElev, main = "forest < 400 m & >= 400 m")
# Geometric statistics for a categorical raster: